Melanie Dylan Kim explores the structures and behaviours of the physical and psychological world through a surreal lens. Transforming everyday moments into a captivating spectacle. Her artworks serve as a wardrobe of curiosities, fantasies, and dream world - the audience a voyeur, compelled to experience the world as she sees it.
Selected Works
<B.A.F. 2024> showcased an impressive array of contemporary K-Art at its recent exhibition, featuring esteemed masters of Korean art, renowned domestic and international artists, as well as promising new talents. The event provided a platform for competent artists across diverse genres to convene, fostering a dynamic discourse on the evolving role of art and innovative approaches to engaging future generations.
Out of Orbit, an exhibition series presented by The Uncast and USFIN ATELIER, celebrates the diverse communities shaping contemporary Australia. This series fosters connections among Sydney's artists, encouraging dialogue and collaboration among contributors and attendees. Nurturing community over competition.
Hysteria Magazine, 2018
Celebrating and exploring new boundaries; HYSTERIA is a mono-thematic magazine that includes a medley of interviews and features with notable creatives through an universal topic. It’s all about the search of interesting and timeless content. The HYSTERIA exhibtion was put together to showcaseocal designers, artists and creative minds to inspire and advocate collaboration between multi-disciplinary fields.
Bundang Arts Festival
Hysteria Magazine
Vertigo Magazine
ArtExpress Awards